2018 was a nice reading year, though a bit strange. I had one of the biggest reading slumps ever recorded, lasting August to October, but Miss Austen pulled me out of it.
I particularly appreciated Chris Priestley in this second half of the year, his Tales of Terror are always chilling. I re-discovered A Little Princess, one of my childhood favourites, and read more middle-grade than I had thought possible between November and December.

Books Read: 54
Number of pages: 10.469
DNF: 1
Most-read genre: non-fiction

I wanted to write reviews for at least half of the book I read, and I didn’t. I wanted to finally note down my thoughts while reading books, and I didn’t. I’ll try and make use of the Moleskine Passion Books that I got years ago and try to update Goodreads monthly instead of daily. It really doesn’t matter which day I finish a book, in the end.
I still don’t want to set goals for my reading life, though there are books I am interested in reading sooner rather than later. One thing I want to do is reading longer books. There are some I never start because I fear it’ll take forever for me to end them, and I put them off for months (and years).

And now in no particular order, my 5 favourite books of 2018!

  1. A Boy and His Dog by Harlan Ellison – Fallout was based on a movie that was based on a book, and the book is awesome. Really enjoyed Ellison’s writing style, I still need to put my hands on all his other books.
  2. Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede –  a princess goes living with a dragon and gets entangled with Dragon drama. Loved it because it’s fun and fresh, perfect book to chill for a couple hours.
  3. Tales of Terror from the Black Ship by Chris Priestley – the perfect read for October.
  4. Celtic Goddesses by Miranda Green – a comprehensive work of the mythological motifs behind the images of Celtic Goddesses. If you’re interested in Celtic myths, I highly recommend it.
  5. German Autumn by Stig Dagerman – the account of the Dagerman’s journey to post-WW2 Germany, this book is food for thought. It’s a shame it’s so underrated.

Happy New Year everyone!


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